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- Bridal Bouquets
- Classic Blue and White
A classic and relaxed bridal bouquet in tones of blue and white. With a mix of our best white spray roses, blue delphiniums, blue eryngium, purple clematis, white antirrhinums and white veronica with a mix of parvifolia and cinnerea eucalyptus and variegated pittopsorum as foliage. This bouquet can be finished with a range of different colour satin ribbons or a natural hessian ribbon, which is bound around the stems and pined with simple pearl ended pins.
** Please note that due to availability and different seasons, some flowers may be replaced by similar flowers to those described or shown**
If you would prefer to speak to one of our team to discuss your requirements and place an order, please call us on 01252 821 754
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Bridesmaids Classic Blue and White
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